Sunday, August 27, 2006

Your Own Windmill

This from Discovery News:

A small, affordable wind turbine available for the first time this September promises to help homeowners fight the rising cost of energy.

The Skystream 3.7, a wind generator from Southwest Windpower in Flagstaff, Ariz., stands 35 to 100 feet tall — depending on the location — and costs about half that of conventional turbines currently available.

Southwest Windpower is planning to mass produce the Skystream and sell it for between $10,000 to $12,000 installed, about half the cost of similar size turbines, which are typically assembled by hand on a much smaller scale.

This windmill could payt for itself in 12-24 years. Not great, but it lessens your dependance on others. Besides: micro generation units are so pricey because so few people include them in their set-ups. Imagine if 1/10 the homes had installed toilets? The prices per unit would be much higher. Let me say this: live off of the grid.

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