Monday, September 05, 2005

Not Hot Air: A Cool Air Car

The people at MDI are trying to bring to market a car that runs on compressed air. MDI is a French company (Moteur Developpment International). You fill up a tank with highly compressed air, the air jets into a system of pistons that drive the engine like an internal combustion engine.
Discovery's Daily Planet highlighted the "air car". They claim it is "the world's cleanest car." The car actually emits cold air (below zero degrees celcius) as exhaust. Does that mean it will contribute to global cooling?
They are planning to release mini-cars, vans and sedans. If they could put an in-car compressor into the vehicle, I wonder if you could drive up to a gas station's air pump, fill, compress, top-up, compress, repeat? That means you could abuse the existing infrastructure. Now, that would be a swell F-U to the oil companies.

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